Aromatic amines can be prepared through various methods. Here are some common methods for the synthesis of aromatic amines:
1. By Reduction of Nitro compounds: The reaction of nitrobenzene with H2 gas in the presence of a Ni/Pt catalyst results in the formation of aniline.

2. By Reduction of Nitriles: Aromatic nitriles yield aromatic amines when reduced with lithium aluminum hydride.

3. By ammonolysis of chlorobenzene: In the presence of copper dichloride at elevated temperatures, the ammonolysis of chlorobenzene results in the formation of aromatic amines.

4. Hoffman Rearrangement reaction: When acetamide is treated with sodium hypo bromide, the amino group in acetamide undergoes rearrangement, shifting towards the aromatic ring, leading to the formation of aniline.

5. Reduction of Nitriles: Aromatic nitriles can be reduced to aromatic amines using reducing agents like lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH4).